Summary of the ISC Bulletin of Events of 2000
D A Storchak
M Andrianirina
E L Banganan
R J Willemann
The ISC Bulletin for year 2000 is now available on the Internet and the ISC CD Volume 11. In our presentation, we will give an overview of the data published in the Bulletin. We describe the major sources of data contributed to the ISC, including arrival times and amplitude readings and compare the data sets from other major data centres with that of the ISC. We discuss the magnitude threshold policy, which was applied to select events for a manual review at the ISC an d show the difference between Reviewed and Comprehensive ISC bulletins. We evaluate the importance of re-analysis on a global scale from the distribution of e vents for which the ISC associated independently reported phase readings or hypocentres. We also give a summary of "new" events discovered by the ISC from pre viously unassociated phase readings, and other events of special interest in the Bulletin. We discuss the overall and regional completeness of the Bulletin as well as reasons for differences between mb values computed by the ISC, NEIC and IDC. We conclude with analysis of later phases reported to the ISC and a sum mary of how they will be used to improve ISC hypocenters.