Submit New Dataset
We are working on an appropriate web-form to automate this process. In the mean time, we expect to receive by e-mail to materials which can be understood by an English speaking audience without contacting you as the author.
The archive should be accompanied by a content file that has filenames and their brief explanations. We encourage enclosure of extended Format files and ReadMe files helping users to understand your dataset.
In the database, we shall keep the following info (compulsory in blue) that we are asking the authors to provide as part of the submission process:
- Title of the dataset
- Year (as it should appear in the subset citation; if not given by the authors, the ISC will assign it to the year of submission)
- Brief description (100 characters)
- Preserve (on/off, to keep unaltered if used as part of publication, see below)
- Version number (see below)
- Corresponding (submitting) author (first name, middle initials, surname) and affiliation (at the time of submission or actual work)
- Contact e-mail
- Principal author (if different from the Corresponding author) and affiliation
- Co-authors and affiliations (if any)
- Keywords (for search, for example: catalogue, bulletin, velocity model, source, mechanism, moment tensor, station, notable earthquake, computer code)
- Relevant scientific publication(s) (if any)
- Relevant seismic event (evid) in the ISC Bulletin
- Desired acknowledgement (if any)
- Content of zip-file, for example: Readme file, catalogue, format, station list, method description.
- Link for us to access your zip-file, such as drop-box or other, unless small and attached to e-mail
- License terms (optional, for example: CC-BY-SA 3.0 (unported))
We shall take care of obtaining the DOI for your dataset*, once it has been made available. At first we need to make the landing page with your dataset available.
*Although obtaining the DOI usually takes only a few hours, in some instances it might take up to 2 working days.
How do we assign DOIs?
Depending on how you set the Preserve flag above (off or on), the data set will get one or two DOIs:
- If your data set is flagged "preserved" (e.g. an event catalogue that was used in a published article) then you will get a single DOI and the related data set cannot be updated or versioned.
- If you are submitting a data set that is likely to be changed (e.g velocity or slab models that might be updated at a later point) then the data set gets two DOIs. A version and a concept DOI. The specific DOI will be linked to the specific version of your data set while the concept DOI can be used to reference all versions. If you wish to update your data set, you would need to submit a new version which will get its own new DOI.
We will allow correction of minor changes, such as typos without creating a new version and a new DOI. However, when the data itself changes you will need to submit a new version resulting in a new DOI.
We are following the guide lines of the Repositories Expert Group (Fenner, M., Crosas, M., Grethe, J.S., Kennedy, D., Hermjakob, H., Rocca-Serra, P., Durand, G., Berjon, R., Karcher, S., Martone, M. and Clark, T., 2019, A data citation roadmap for scholarly data repositories, Scientific data, 6,